Monday, 26 November 2018

Kumbh Mela : A Spiritual Knowledge

Kumbh Mela : A Spiritual Knowledge

India, Sanatana Dharma and the world's largest and most famous religious fair, 'Kumbh Mela', fosters and nurtures the country's spiritual, cultural and social diversity, and plays an important role in enhancing social equality, unity and harmony. It is an important festival to see people join together and to participate in the largest meeting of humanity.

Kumbh is a symbol of peace and unity on the global plane Kumbh is said to be the great power of Indian culture. The intellectual, mythological, astrological and scientific basis of Kumbh is also the unique confluence of Kumbh bath and knowledge is also a variety of Sadhus, Siddha men, scholars And the Pandit organizes the worship yajna etc. after visiting this fair. Spiritual knowledge can be acquired by joining this fair. In December 2017, UNESCO has organized this fair in India on the Integibal Culture Heritage of Humanity List, thus this fair has become a global event.

There are many fairs of water in the world but no one like Kumbh is held in Stockholm, Sweden's World Brain Brain, America's Hudson Canada's Ottawa, where many river festivals are held for 4 years, but Aquarius, Aquarius is something else. Caste, religion, richness, poverty, even the nation's frontiers do not have any significance in Kumbh, the sadh sages, the indigenous and indigenous people are lost all over like this. It does not seem that we are different even though a lot has changed in the last 50 years, despite this it has not been released for two years, for thousands of years, in the sixth year, Kumbh in 12 years and Mahakumbh in 144 years.

Contact no. - +918416862878
What's up - +918416862878

Kumbh Mela '2019' 

Kumbh Mela '2019'

Semi Kumbh is organized after every 6 years and this time, in the semi-Kumbh 2019, from January 15 to March 4, in Prayagraj, being organized in Sangam Nagar, holy land of Prayagraj has been recognized for India's rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Prayagraj It is the only place where the three holy rivers of the country get Ganga, Yamuna and invisible Saraswati, in this Sangam of Prayagraj, many traditions of Aquarius There is also a wonderful confluence of the people and the people.

There is a special significance of bathing and worship on the Sangam coast, as well as the intellectual mythological and scientific basis of Kumbh is that the color of Kumbh is such that it attracts every kind of tourists and attracts the whole of India. One place gets confined, there is a supernatural experience of sacramental bathing on the ghats of Sangam and participation in rituals.

The great social experience of Kumbh's mythological traditions will be done by state-of-the-art technology, so that the people of Kalpasvas, spiritual masters, distinctive people, foreign visitors and pilgrims can achieve divine and grand experience of life-saving liberation philosophy.

Contact no. - +918416862878
What's up - +918416862878

Kumbh Mela Bath Date '2019' 

          Kumbh Mela Bath Date '2019'

1. 14/15 January 2019 - Makar Sankranti (Royal Bath)

2. January 21, 2019 - Paush Purnima

3. February 4, 2019 - Mauni Amavasya (Royal Bath)

4. 10 February 2019 - Basant Panchami (Royal Bath)

5. Feb. 19, 2019 - Maghi Purnima

6. March 4, 2019 - Mahashivaratri

Contact no. - +918416862878
What's up - +918416862878

Kumbh : Confluence of the four Vedas 

Kumbh : Confluence of the four Vedas

Kumbh literally means urn. The choice of the Kumbh occurs from the Holy urn. This urn is of particular importance in Indian Hindu civilization. Lord Vishnu to the face of the vase, Rudra to the neck, Brahma to the base, all the ladies of the middle and the water inside is considered the symbol of the whole ocean. This is the confluence of the four Vedas. In this way the meaning of Kumbh is absolutely complete.

In fact, Kumbh is the confluence of our civilization. It is a sign of self-awareness. This is the infinite stream of humanity. It is a combination of nature and humanity. Kumbh is the source of energy. Kumbh realizes sin, virtue and light to the human race, and darkness. River life reflects the infinite stream of water. The human body is made up of five elements: fire, air, water, earth and sky.

Contact no. - +918416862878
What's up - +918416862878

Kumbh Mela 'A History'

      Kumbh Mela 'A History'

The history of Kumbh Mela is believed to be at least 850 years old and it is believed that Adi Shankaracharya had started it. According to magical events, this fair begins on Makar Sankranti when the Sun and Moon are in Scorpio and Jupiter in Aries This yoga is called Kumbh bath yoga, which is called Makar Sankranti, where bathing here is considered as a true heavenly philosophy.
But according to some stories, the beginning of the Kumbh was due to the beginning of the sea marathon. There was a war in the Goddess to get the urn of nectar from the sea churning. As a result, the drop of nectar from nectar kalash dropped at four places on earth, Nasik, Ujjain, Haridwar and Prayag. On the banks of the Godavari river in Nasik, on the banks of River Ganga in Haridwar, on the banks of the Shipra river in Ujjain and the river Ganga in Prayagraj and the banks of the river Saraswati, where the three are in confluence.

The Kumbh Mela is held every three years at all these places, the exact time and date of its organizing is done on the basis of religious and astrology and it is worth noting that in the month of Magha every month in Prayagraj Sangam This is the fair that comes in front of us in the form of a half-kumba in 6 years and as a Kumbh Mela in 12 years.

Contact no. - +918416862878
What's up no. - +918416862878

Kumbh Mela Mythology

         Kumbh Mela Mythology

Many mythological stories are prevalent in organizing Kumbha Parva, the most valid of which is that the devotion of Amrit Kumbh from Amrit Kumbh, received from sea churning, is related to the fall of Indra and other gods due to the curse of Maharishi Durvas. So the demons attacked the gods and defeated them. Then all the gods went to Lord Vishnu and told him all the details. Then Lord Vishnu advised them to brainstorm Kshirsagar with the demons and remove the nectar.

When Lord Vishnu said such a thing, with Indra son, Jayant Amrit kalash, to fly towards the sky, after coming out of the Amrit Kumbha, taking out the process of treating the entire deity with the demons. Then the demon followed him and after the hard work, he caught Jayant in the middle of the road and after that there was an uninterrupted war for 12 days in Dev- monsters to control the emperor's urn, during this war four places of the earth at Prayag Haridwar Ujjain Nasik The nectar drops were dropped from the urn.

At that time, due to the decline of the sun, due to the decrease in the sun, the master, by the absence of the demons, Sunny to calm down the defiance of Devendra's fear of defying the defiance of God, by taking the form of Mohini, Thus the end of the Dev Dynasty war ended.

Contact no. - +918416862878
What's up - +918416862878

Monday, 5 November 2018

कुंभ मेला पौराणिक कथाएं

                कुंभ मेला पौराणिक कथाएं
कुंभ पर्व के आयोजन को लेकर कई पौराणिक कथाएं प्रचलित हैं जिनमें से सर्वाधिक मान्य कथा देव दानव द्वारा समुद्र मंथन से प्राप्त अमृत कुंभ से अमृत बूंद गिरने को लेकर है कथा अनुसार महर्षि दुर्वासा के शाप के कारण जब इंद्र और अन्य देवता कमजोर हो गए। तो दैत्यों ने देवताओं पर आक्रमण कर उन्हें परास्त कर दिया। तब सब देवता मिलकर भगवान विष्णु के पास गए और उन्हें सारा वृत्तांत सुनाया। तब भगवान विष्णु ने उन्हें दैत्यों के साथ मिलकर क्षीरसागर का मंथन करके अमृत निकालने की सलाह दी।

 भगवान विष्णु के ऐसा कहने पर संपूर्ण देवता दैत्यों के साथ संधि कर अमृत निकालने में लग गए अमृत कुंभ से निकलते ही देवताओं के इशारे से इंद्र पुत्र जयंत अमृत कलश को लेकर आकाश की ओर उड़ा। तब दानवों ने उसका  पीछा किया और घोर परिश्रम के बाद उन्होंने बीच रास्ते में ही जयंत को पकड़ा तत्पश्चात अमृत कलश पर अधिकार जमाने के लिए देव - दानवोंमें 12 दिन तक अविराम युद्ध होता रहा इस युद्ध के दौरान पृथ्वी के चार स्थानों प्रयाग हरिद्वार उज्जैन नासिक पर कलश से अमृत बूंदे गिरी थी।

 उस समय चंद्र ने घट से प्रस्वण होने से, सूर्य ने घट फटने से, गुरु ने दैत्यों के अपरहण से, सनी ने देवेंद्र के भय से घट की रक्षा की कलह शांत करने के लिए भगवान ने मोहिनी रूप धारण कर यथा अधिकार सबको अमृत बांटकर पिला दिया इस प्रकार देव दानव युद्ध का अंत हुआ। 

Contact no. - 8416862878
What's up - 8416862878

Kumbh Mela : A Spiritual Knowledge

Kumbh Mela : A Spiritual Knowledge India, Sanatana Dharma and the world's largest and most famous religious fair, 'Kumbh Me...